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ICU tools that help the intensivists and the managers of critical care units to better administer the unit based on international standards of care. Tools includes ICU care processes, procedures, monitoring, documentations, and more..

Orderset for critically ill patients with hyperglycemia
Insulin Infusion Orders for Critically Ill Patients

Orderset for critically ill patients with hyperglycemia


Subcutaneous insulin protocol for the management of diabetes mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus Orderset

Subcutaneous insulin protocol for the management of diabetes mellitus


The Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) is a short test for the diagnosis of delirium.
CAM-ICU Delirium Tool

The Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU) is a short test for the diagnosis of delirium.


Poster for nap time in the ICU.
Nap Time

Poster for nap time in the ICU.


Define a protocol for a sleep time in the ICU.
ICU Sleep Time Policy

Define a protocol for a sleep time in the ICU.


This checklist ensures readiness of the crash cart with a defibrillator
Crash Cart Checklist with Defibrillator

This checklist ensures readiness of the crash cart with a defibrillator


This checklist ensures readiness of the AED emergency bag.
AED Emergency Bag Checklist

This checklist ensures readiness of the AED emergency bag.


Checklist for reviewing cardio-pulmonary  resuscitation code blue or rapid response  event
Code Blue Review Checklist

Checklist for reviewing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation code blue or rapid response event


Titration orderset based on pH or pCO2 for the use of IV continuous bicarbonate therapy.
Bicarbonate Infusion Orderset

Titration orderset based on pH or pCO2 for the use of IV continuous bicarbonate therapy.


ARDS network protocol is a lung protective strategy protocol that aim to improve outcomes for patients with ARDS.
ARDS Network Protocol

ARDS network protocol is a lung protective strategy protocol that aim to improve outcomes for patients with ARDS.


Order set for the use of propofol in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU.
Propofol Orderset

Order set for the use of propofol in mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU.


Gastrointestinal bleeding can be life-threatening and orderset can improve the outcome as it streamline the management.
GI Bleed Orderset

Gastrointestinal bleeding can be life-threatening and orderset can improve the outcome as it streamline the management.


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