Capnography, the measurement and display of CO₂ concentrations in respiratory gases, has become an integral part of monitoring in critically ill patients. Since becoming widely available in the 1990s, capnography has been appreciated primarily for its role in verifying proper endotracheal tube placement and adjusting ventilation settings by monitoring end-tidal CO₂ levels. However, the utility of the full capnogram extends far beyond these initial applications. A comprehensive capnographic analysis provides critical insights into ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) mismatch, dead space assessment, airflow obstruction in conditions like asthma and COPD, pulmonary embolism diagnosis, evaluation of chest compression quality during cardiac arrest, cardiac output estimation, fluid responsiveness, and even metabolic and nutritional assessment. These capabilities make capnography a vital tool in the ICU, as understanding CO₂ exchange dynamics offers essential data for diagnosing and managing various critical conditions.
Time vs Volume Capnography
Capnography measures CO₂ levels at the airway opening and can be displayed as either time or volume capnography, each offering distinct benefits. Quantitative capnography in the ICU typically relies on infrared absorption through either mainstream or sidestream methods, with mainstream capnography placing sensors directly in the ventilator circuit and sidestream capnography using tubing to sample CO₂ from the airway. Time capnography, widely available and standard in most ICUs, presents CO₂ as a function of time, producing a capnogram that does not account for expiratory flow but still provides valuable information on respiratory phases. Volume capnography, on the other hand, represents CO₂ concentration against expired volume, linking it to anatomical structures and enabling the calculation of dead space and CO₂ production. This method, however, is more complex and costly, as it requires real-time flow measurements and specialized sensors, limiting its routine ICU use. Despite these limitations, volume capnography offers a more anatomically intuitive representation of CO₂ exchange, which is beneficial for calculating dead space and analyzing lung function in detail.
Time Capnography Phases
The time capnogram is divided into four phases, each reflecting a different part of the respiratory cycle:
Phase I: Here, PCO₂ is effectively zero, representing the start of inspiration and early expiration, where fresh, CO₂-free gas or dead space gas is exhaled. In normal conditions, this phase has no CO₂ unless there is rebreathing of expired gas.
Phase II: This phase captures a mix of gas from anatomic dead space and alveolar gas. Due to turbulent mixing, some gas from phases I and III also appears here. This phase shows a rapid rise in PCO₂ if ventilation and perfusion are well-matched; however, it rises more gradually in cases of lung disease.
Phase III: Known as the alveolar plateau, this phase reflects CO₂ from alveoli, balancing between ventilation and perfusion. Under steady-state conditions, alveolar CO₂ concentrations represent the average PCO₂. In healthy lungs, this phase remains relatively flat but rises progressively when CO₂ production is high or V/Q mismatch exists due to lung disease.
Phase IV: A brief phase where PCO₂ drops rapidly to zero, marking the onset of inspiration. This phase is typically short and has limited clinical relevance.
These phases collectively provide insights into ventilation efficiency, V/Q matching, and respiratory conditions.
Volume Capnography Phases
In volume capnography, CO₂ concentration is displayed against expired volume, dividing the exhalation into three distinct phases (Fig 1):
Phase I: This phase represents the emptying of anatomic dead space, where no CO₂ is present as it reflects gas from the conducting airways. This initial portion has a CO₂ concentration of zero, as no gas exchange occurs in these areas. A prolonged Phase I indicates increased anatomical dead space ventilation.
Phase II: In this transition phase, exhaled gas shifts from dead space air to CO₂-containing gas from the proximal alveoli. This phase shows a rapid rise in CO₂ levels, reflecting the mix of dead space and alveolar gas as it moves from the airways into the alveoli. This phase's slope provides insights into airway resistance and V/Q mismatch; a prolonged Phase II often suggests increased airway resistance or ventilation-perfusion abnormalities
Phase III: Known as the alveolar phase, this phase captures the CO₂-rich gas from the alveoli. The slope of phase III is steeper than in time capnography due to the exponential decrease in expiratory flow over the course of expiration, creating a clearer depiction of alveolar emptying. This phase's slope provides insights into airway resistance and V/Q mismatch; a prolonged Phase II often suggests increased airway resistance or ventilation-perfusion abnormalities
Volume capnography lacks a phase IV because inspiration is not included in this display. By plotting CO₂ concentration against expired volume, volume capnography provides a more anatomically intuitive measurement, linking the structural aspects of the respiratory system to CO₂ elimination and offering a detailed assessment of dead space and lung ventilation efficiency.

Key Areas of the Capnogram
The volumetric capnogram is also divided into distinct areas, each providing specific clinical information (Fig 1):
Area X (CO₂ Elimination): Reflects the volume of CO₂ exhaled in one breath, which, when monitored over time, indicates overall CO₂ production. Variations in Area X can signal changes in patient condition, such as reduced CO₂ elimination in cases of shock or increased CO₂ production in conditions like fever or sepsis.
Area Y (Alveolar Dead Space): Represents the portion of expired gas that did not participate in gas exchange due to alveolar dead space. Increases in Area Y may indicate lung conditions such as emphysema or pulmonary embolism.
Area Z (Anatomical Dead Space): Reflects the volume of gas within the conducting airways that does not participate in gas exchange. Changes in Area Z can help identify issues such as increased artificial dead space or anatomical obstructions.
This structure allows for a comprehensive assessment of lung condition, helping intensivists optimize ventilation settings and track respiratory pathophysiology, including conditions like ARDS, obstructive lung diseases, and pulmonary embolism.
Interpretation of Volumetric Capnography
Specific diseases impact the volumetric capnogram, providing unique waveform patterns and phase alterations that can assist clinicians in diagnosing and monitoring these conditions. Here are some of the key diseases and how they are reflected in volumetric capnography:

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Phase I: Increased due to an enlarged anatomical dead space caused by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) used to improve oxygenation in ARDS.
Phase II: Shows a reduced slope due to impaired lung perfusion.
Phase III: A steep slope, indicating heterogeneous lung emptying, as ARDS often leads to regions of the lung that empty at different rates.
Clinical Relevance: Helps guide ventilatory support adjustments, especially in PEEP management, by observing how these changes affect the phases.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Other Obstructive Lung Diseases
Phase II: Prolonged, as gas from various lung compartments empties asynchronously, leading to a slower transition from dead space to alveolar gas.
Phase III: Displays a continuously rising slope without a clear plateau, due to the presence of airflow obstruction in different lung areas.
Clinical Relevance: Assists in evaluating the degree of functional impairment, especially when traditional spirometry is unreliable, and helps monitor response to bronchodilators.
Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
Phase I: May appear larger due to an increased anatomical dead space, as regions of the lung lose perfusion due to the blockage.
Phase II: Reduced slope due to poor lung perfusion, as less CO₂ reaches the capnogram from affected areas.
Phase III: Often has a plateau, but PetCO₂ is lower than normal, reflecting reduced effective alveolar ventilation.
Clinical Relevance: Volumetric capnography helps in early detection of PE by identifying a sudden decrease in CO₂ elimination (VCO₂), providing a non-invasive measure of increased dead space.
Hemorrhagic Shock
Phase I, II, and III: Generally, retain normal slopes, but end-tidal CO₂ (PetCO₂) levels decrease due to reduced blood flow and therefore reduced CO₂ transport to the lungs.
Clinical Relevance: The drastic decrease in PetCO₂ can indicate hypoperfusion in shock, guiding resuscitation efforts by providing a real-time indicator of cardiac output changes.
Respiratory Failure and Weaning Trials
Phases: During weaning trials, stable slopes and consistent PetCO₂ levels indicate readiness for successful extubation. Conversely, significant rises in VCO₂ and PetCO₂ or a higher VDaw/VTE ratio may signal failure, suggesting the need for continued ventilatory support.
Clinical Relevance: Volumetric capnography offers continuous monitoring to evaluate a patient’s readiness to tolerate decreased ventilator support, helping avoid premature weaning and associated complications.
Signs of Rebreathing
Phase I: An elevated baseline in Phase I can indicate rebreathing, where expired CO₂ is inhaled due to mechanical issues or excessive dead space in the ventilator circuit.
Clinical Relevance: Alerts clinicians to recalibrate the sensor, reduce mechanical dead space, or adjust ventilation to prevent CO₂ accumulation and potential respiratory acidosis.
These disease-specific patterns allow volumetric capnography to serve as a diagnostic tool, enabling clinicians to assess ventilation/perfusion abnormalities, monitor treatment responses, and adjust ventilatory settings precisely based on real-time patient data.