Aortic dissections are classified (Stanford classification) into two types: type B dissection involves a tear in the descending part of the aorta and may extend into the abdomen, whereas type A dissection develops in the ascending part of the aorta just as it branches off the heart.
The best treatment of type B dissection is beta blockers and blood pressure control.
In selected cases, surgical intervention is indicated . In most cases minimal surgical intervention is recommended such as endovascular stent.
People with type A aortic dissection often report shortness of breath and a sudden, severe, sharp pain that feels like a tearing in the chest and upper back. It always confuses like acute myocardial infarction as coronary arteries are involved.
There are 2 possible surgery methods for aortic A dissection repair. The first is standard open-heart surgery ( ARR- Aortic Root Replacement). The second is less-invasive endovascular surgery.
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Aortic dissections are classified (Stanford classification) into two types: type B dissection involves a tear in the descending part of the aorta and may extend into the abdomen, whereas type A dissection develops in the ascending part of the aorta just as it branches off the heart.
The best treatment of type B dissection is beta blockers and blood pressure control.
In selected cases, surgical intervention is indicated . In most cases minimal surgical intervention is recommended such as endovascular stent.
People with type A aortic dissection often report shortness of breath and a sudden, severe, sharp pain that feels like a tearing in the chest and upper back. It always confuses like acute myocardial infarction as coronary arteries are involved.
There are 2 possible surgery methods for aortic A dissection repair. The first is standard open-heart surgery ( ARR- Aortic Root Replacement). The second is less-invasive endovascular surgery.