The critical care medicine blog serves as a specialized platform committed to delivering profound insights and current knowledge on the cutting-edge advancements within critical care. With its broad coverage of meticulously examined critical care topics, the blog furnishes evidence-based responses to critical care questions, offering a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Stay informed with in-depth analysis and up-to-date information through our blog!
Oral Sabizabulin for High-Risk, Hospitalized Adults with Covid-19
Hypothermic versus Normothermic Temperature Control after Cardiac Arrest
Diastolic Shock Index: What it Means and how is it Interpreted?
Vasopressors in Septic Shock: Timing, Choice & Target
Short vs. Long Antibiotic Course for Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) and Pseudomonas VAP
Evolution of Evidence for use of HES in Sepsis & Septic Shock
Approach to Vasopressor Support in Septic Shock
Dexmedetomidine vs. Propofol as the Primary Agent for Sedation in General ICU Patients and in Sepsis
Prone Position in ARDS
Early Use of Ivermectin Does Not Reduce Progression of COVID-19 Disease!
Albumin Use in Sepsis & Septic Shock
Evolving Evidence for Steroids in ARDS
Balanced Fluid or Saline for Critically-ill Patients?
Prevention and Treatment of Shivering during Targeted Temperature Management
Iatrogenic Pneumothorax Caused by NG Tube Placement
Evolving Evidence for Lung Recruitment Maneuvers in ARDS
Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: Settings and Adjustments for Protective Lung Strategy
5 Steps in the Assessment of Acid-base Disorders
A Paradigm Shift in ICU Sedation
Feedback Mechanism in Volume Support Ventilation